Ya que el terreno está casi 6 metros por debajo del nivel de la calle, es necesario un camino de acceso con una pendiente razonable. Ya existía un camino, pero extremadamente deteriorado y totalmente intransitable. Empecé a repararlo con herramientas de mano, una tarea lentísima.
La Galleta Galáctica y yo nos la pasamos apisonando la tierra y haciendo un firme con cemento, pero no avanzamos lo necesario.
Además aprendimos que nunca se debe colocar el material sobre la zona de trabajo: ¡¡¡¡los montones de tierra y grava continuamente estorban para el paso!!!! Moraleja: hay que planear muy bien dónde colocar los materiales para que no se interpongan.
Since the ground is almost 6 meter below the street level, an access road with a reasonable gradient will be required. There was a very old road, but extremely deteriorated and not transitable. I started to repair it with hand tools, a very slow job.
Galactic Cookie and myself spent days compacting earth and laying some cement, but hardly progressed.
We also learned a lesson: never put material in your working zone: the piles of dirt and gravel stand in the way!!!
Morale: plan very well where to deposit the materials so they don´t interfere with the working site.
Since the ground is almost 6 meter below the street level, an access road with a reasonable gradient will be required. There was a very old road, but extremely deteriorated and not transitable. I started to repair it with hand tools, a very slow job.
Galactic Cookie and myself spent days compacting earth and laying some cement, but hardly progressed.
We also learned a lesson: never put material in your working zone: the piles of dirt and gravel stand in the way!!!
Morale: plan very well where to deposit the materials so they don´t interfere with the working site.
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