Los muros están casi completos. Observa los trozos de madera incrustados en las paredes; servirán para sostener el techo y reforzarlo contra las cargas del viento.
The walls are nearly complete. Observe the wooden pieces embedded within the walls; they are designed to support the roof and reinforce it against wind forces.
Here's a closer look at the wooden inserts used for the roof.
Posteriormente aumentamos la altura de los muros hasta estar a nivel con los insertos antes descritos.
Later we increased the height of the walls to be flush with the wooden inserts.
¡El juego de sombras es muy bonito!
The light and shadow interplay is beautiful!
In the shower area, we secured wire mesh to the earthen floor, followed by a layer of tile cement, and then the tiles. The sink is mounted on a wooden board that is embedded into the adobe wall.
Terminamos el techo con lámina acanalada e instalamos un calentador solar para agua. No instalamos aislamiento térmico por la naturaleza temporal de esta construcción. ¡¡Listo para usarse!!
We finished the roof with corrugated sheets and fitted a solar water heater. We didn´t install thermal insulation since this construction was to be temporary. Ready to be used!!
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